Would you rather be professionally developed by an expert in the field, or a practitioner, who, like yourself, is finding her way through teaching on a day to day basis?
I ask this, because I've been convinced to present at our RESD-wide PD day at the end of September. I'm a bit terrified about it. Helped along by a large helping of "Kevin Honeycutt is going to be the keynote speaker, and he is AMAZING".
Okay, so I am aware that, even if I were a more experienced speaker to my teaching peers, I would still fall far short of the high bar set by Kevin Honeycutt and other professional speakers. However, I'd like to not look like a total idiot in comparison. Totally terrified, and I have been convinced to not only present one session, but TWO.
So...I'm hoping my strength lies in NOT being an expert, but instead, just being your average teacher, who is figuring stuff out one day, and one challenge, at a time.
Do you wonder what I am presenting about? Well...I am doing one session (it seems) in a lab setting, talking about how educators can use Pinterest to improve their educational practice, and giving tips, tricks, and ideas for making the most out of using Pinterest. Now, I'm far from an expert on this...so if you have any sure-fire, no-fail techniques, or information you think a pinning newbie should know...leave them in the comments...please!!!
The second session I am doing is about using Social Media to build your digital professional learining community...or learning network, depending on your point of view. So, I will be sharing ideas for how to become involved in the blogging world (and maybe share some information about how to read, leave a comment, follow a blog, etc), more about using Pinterest to find like-minded educators to follow, I thought I would touch on how Instagram can be used as a tool, and finally, on the use of Twitter for education. I'm slowly improving my skill at this, so I will certainly be approaching this part of the conversation as a slightly more skilled newbie. LOL. The goal is just to help teachers who may not be techie figure out some ways to become more techie. I just participated in my first twitterchat last week (and I've missed the two kinderchats since then...drat!!!), so I definitely have just a smidge more knowledge than my peers...
Anyway...PLEASE share any thoughts, ideas, encouragement, or whatever to help me think of exactly what I need to cover to make the PD awesome...
I need to go to bed now, before I fall asleep sitting here...I have a PD to attend (and NOT present at) tomorrow...oh boy...
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