Saturday, August 3, 2013

Five for Friday (sneaking it in on Saturday)

Haha, I couldn't resist Five for Friday, even though it's now Saturday morning!

Doodle Bugs Teaching has returned to hosting her Five for Friday linky, a chance for us to share five random things from our week. So, here are mine!

1. I got new glasses! Woohoo! Not my fave selfie, here, but I snapped a quick one to send my hubs after I picked them up. My favorite thing about them? There is just a bit of sparkle and glitter in that print. LOVE it. Yeah...I like sparkly things. And these are SO much cuter than the cheapie pair I got last year, after my darling daughter broke my glasses.

2.  My littlest sister is getting married next weekend, and I found this cute bracelet at Target (on clearance!), which goes perfect with our informal bridesmaid gowns...I picked up one for myself, and one for my middle sister, who is also a bridesmaid. I think it's super cute! 

3.  I love my oldest daughter's drawings. She's heading into first grade, and her artwork has come so far! She has always had an artistic streak, and she love to color on her doodle board...this is our family :) I got a bit erased before I could snap a photo...but I just had to save this one! She's so sweet (sometimes).

4. I "harvested" the first veggies from our little vegetable garden. It's not much, but given how late we started, it feels like success!

5. We've been busily (frantically) trying to finish up work in my parents backyard for my little sister's wedding. Thursday was spent, with both my sisters, my mom, all three of my girls, and my sister's two girls all busily trying to paint the back fence.

The oldest two girls painting (they are headed into first grade and kindergarten). We definitely spent the day saying that putting paint on this fence was just "putting lipstick on a pig" (check out how it's leaning!).
Here is my two year old after a long afternoon of "helping" to paint. Yeah. 

And the back stretch of fence once it was done. If you look closely, you can see we still had to do the sides...And yes, that is a mirror in the picture. My mom is putting lots of cool painted mirrors all over the back fence. I'll try to remember to post a pic, here, or on instagram (I'm becca372, come follow me!).

Holy cow...did I just make it through a post with NO school references??? I'm sure that won't happen again any time soon! Thanks for stopping by and checking out my (late) Five for Friday!


1 comment:

  1. Don't worry about school stuff! Your having a good time making memories with your family! Your girls are precious. I also like the bling in your glasses! I'm called the 'Glitter Queen" at our school and could use a pair! I love your blog
